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Prefiguration study for an art & society research and development space (2017-2019)

We carried out a study comprising a field survey as well as exploratory interviews, the perspective being analysis of cross sectorial and transdisciplinary practices.  Many actor.trice.s were called upon, identified via their atypical work histories or project.


This study had several objectives:


- assembling an overview of what is currently going on in projects termed "innovative";

- understanding the effects of societal changes on artistic and cultural spaces;

- better identifying the interrogations and needs of actor.trice.s, and thus;

- proposing new, further grounded support methods.


We focused our attention on identifying what breaks away from the usual modes of operation and production. We wanted to understand how certain situations favored a renewal of practices more than others. To do this, we retraced the development phases of the projects as of their creation, in order to appreciate where they were at, and what they were heading.


An investigation in Grenoble

A territorial survey was carried out with 3 institutional cultural players based in Grenoble, France (CCN2, CDC Le Pacifique, CNAC Le Magasin des horizons).  These observations were the subject of a restitution and of a literary commission proposed to the author Émilie Notéris.  Based on materials collected during the investigation, Emilie Notéris wrote Le Nœud de Prusik.

European interviews

Over thirty interviews were conducted with European cultural and social actor.trice.s identified for their unique operating methods, in France, Italy, Poland, Greece, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Belgium, and England.

Speculative workshops

We also carried out a series of workshops on prospecting, and on speculation modeling, aiming at establishing a legal and financial projection for a future cooperative laboratory.

This study was supported by the FSIR ( Fund for innovation and research from the regional cultural agency, ARCADI) and the Europe Creative program.

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